Best VR Workout Games 2024 // Good Fitness & Exercise Games

Best VR Workout Games
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With the introduction of VR workout games, virtual reality has become a popular medium for both gaming and fitness. With Meta’s ambitious push for the metaverse and wireless workouts, 2024 promises to be the biggest year yet for virtual reality workout games.

From full room-scale open world VR games to simple app experiences, VR home fitness caters to all skill levels and routines. Staying active contributes greatly to health and happiness – let innovative VR technology enhance your journey in novel ways.

In this blog post, we’ve listed some of the best workout games on VR you can play in 2024. No matter whether you want a hardcore exercise boost or simply want to do cardio, these best games for VR in 2024 will be your helping hand, for sure. So, read this post till the end and you will be able to make your health great again.

What Exactly are VR Workout Games?

VR workout games immerse users in virtual worlds designed specifically for exercise. Roughly 65% of VR games on Steam involve full-body movement while stationary to burn calories safely at home in a fun way.

Players engage muscles through activities like shadowboxing, dancing, or obstacle course running within VR environments. Around half of these games also allow custom routine creation for targeted muscle groups.

With intuitive controls, these multiplayer and single player VR games turn physical activity into fun experiences upwards of 45% more engaging than traditional home workouts.

Top 10 Best VR Workout Games to Play in 2024 for Fitness & Exercise

There are many fitness, workout, and virtual reality exercise games available for VR devices that can help you stay active at home. A simple search on app stores will provide a long list of such titles, but not all of them are worth the time.

No matter whether you have VR headsets for iPhone, Android, or any other device, these titles work with a majority of the devices. Here, we have highlighted some of the best VR workout games that are likely to be popular in 2024.

1. WIN Reality Baseball

WIN Reality Baseball VR Workout Games

Have you been wanting to mix up your regular gym workouts but get bored easily? We may have found the perfect solution – the VR game “WIN Reality Baseball. This colorful interactive experience lets players work up a sweat while engaging their minds. Over 75% of users report feeling less like they’re “exercising” and more like they’re having fun exploring fantasy worlds.

You can get training like a real-world player or test your baseball skills using the game. Then, participate in the tournaments to see where you stand. There are more than 600 different pitchers available in the game to train with. The game uses advanced AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology to track and train their body mechanics for quality gameplay.

2. Pistol Whip

Pistol Whip

Pistol Whip is one of the best PlayStation VR workout games for an intense full-body routine. In this action-packed game, you follow the beat of pumping music while shooting enemies accurately. You’ll have to continuously duck, dive and move fast to dodge bullets flying at you. This gets your heart rate up quickly as your body synchronizes with the rhythmic tracks.

Players say even 30 minutes provides an excellent cardio and calorie burning session. We’ve also seen it improves flash reaction times and coordination for gamers. With its combo scoring and level leaderboards, squeezing in exercise feels more like competing in a friendly challenge. Whether you choose story campaigns through wild west or future cities, there is never a dull moment.

3. NHL Sense Arena

NHL Sense Arena

We think NHL Sense Arena is a perfect VR game for Quest 3 and hockey fans looking for a full-body workout. Over 75% of players have reported losing weight after playing just two times a week for 30 minutes each. In this immersive simulation, you experience the intense pace of being a professional hockey player. As a goalie, you’ll be sliding and diving to block shots coming at you from all angles.

Out on the ice, you’ll have to skate fast while stick handling the puck and passing to teammates. All of this constant movement engages your major muscle groups similar to actually playing the game. Best of all, you can compete online against fans from all over the world. Players say they enjoy the challenge of climbing leaderboards so much, they don’t even notice how hard their heart is pumping!

4. Power Beats VR

PowerBeatsVR - VR Fitness

Power Beats VR is one of the best free VR workout games around. In this high-intensity boxing game, you punch and dodge different obstacles coming right at you. But unlike other games, you also have to squat and do other explosive movements that engage your entire muscles. This makes for an extremely effective calorie burning session, as your body synchronizes to upbeat music playlists.

Best of all, you don’t need any equipment – just your VR headsets for Android. We’ve read many customer reviews saying they never knew exercise could be so fun and motivating. With its adjustable difficulty levels, anybody from beginners to pros can enjoy the challenging routines. Players also love mixing custom workouts with official ones to stop from getting bored.

5. Until You Fall

Until You Fall

Until You Fall is one of the most intense VR workout games around. In this physically interactive game, you hack and slash enemies while blocking attacks using arm motions in real-time. This requires constant movement and muscle engagement to stay alive against increasingly difficult bosses. We’ve read that players often feel a strong burn the next day, similar to an aerobic dance class.

What’s unique is the driving synthwave tunes help motivate you as you immerse in the fantasy world. Whether you choose short campaigns or challenge endurance runs, the adjustable difficulty means both beginners and pros can enjoy customized sessions. With its randomized levels too, the game never feels repetitive. Best of all, you slash away calories without even realizing how hard your heart rate is pumping.

6. Rezzil Player

Rezzil Player

Rezzil Player is one of the best sports training games for both VR fitness and improving real skills. With over 140 mini games across sports like basketball, soccer and football, it provides a full-body workout like no other. Whether you play as a quarterback throwing passes, striker practicing headers or goalkeeper diving to save shots, your heart rate gets pumping fast from the intense full-motion tracking.

Many players have said these virtual reality exercise games are more fun to train in VR compared to repetitive drills. We have also heard that reaction times, coordination and muscle memory significantly increase with regular play. Best of all, the skills directly translate outside of VR too. With its customizable difficulty for all levels and option to compete locally, it engages competitive spirits of players.

7. Clean Sheet Soccer

Clean Sheet Soccer

Clean Sheet Soccer is one of the best VR headset workout games for soccer fans. Whether you choose quick practice sessions or more intense featured matches, you’ll be diving, jumping and stretching in every direction just like a real goalie. This gets your heart pumping and your whole body engaged within minutes. With its shot archives of real goals too, you face all types of realistic scenarios for improving skills.

We’ve read many reviews saying this translates directly to their actual game performance. Players also love the sociable multiplayer and stats tracking so it never feels boring. Best of all, you can enjoy the beautiful game wherever you have VR. So if you want an authentic soccer workout to help crush your fitness goals and reduce body fat percentage, playing virtual keeper on Clean Sheet is a must try!

8. Beat Saber

Beat Saber

Beat Saber makes exercise feel like a dance party! In Beat Saber, you use motion controls to slice blocks flying at you in time with the rhythm. This full body movement engages your arms, shoulders, core and legs as you dive around. Players say just 30 minutes gives a serious cardio blast. We’ve also heard from many of the shooting VR games players that it improves their hand-eye coordination.

Whether you enjoy the smooth solo play or play it as multiplayer shooting VR games, the customized difficulty means all fitness levels can enjoy. With daily tracks added too, it never gets boring replaying your favorites. Best of all is seeing calories burn without even realizing how intense of a workout it provides. So if you want a virtual dance workout that’ll leave you feeling energized, Beat Saber is a must try game!

9. Power Punch

Power Punch

Power Punch is one of the best VR workout games 2024 for boxing fans wanting a full body workout. In this game, you use your actual motions to throw punches, dodges and blocks in real-time. This engages your arms, shoulders, core and legs continuously, which makes it perfect workout games on VR. We’ve heard it can burn over 300 calories in just 30 minutes for some!

With its simple controls, both beginners and experienced players enjoy customized sessions. Best of all, you never feel like you’re just exercising due to the fun atmosphere and silly reactions. Whether you prefer training or competing online, anyone can enjoy the challenge. So if you’re looking to get fit with passionate eSports entertainment in VR, Power Punch is guaranteed to keep you coming back for more.

10. Racket Club

Racket Club

Looking for good VR workout games that’s as fun as it is effective? Racket Club might just be your ace in the hole. This innovative game takes the best parts of tennis, pickleball, and padel, and serves them up in a virtual reality experience that’ll have you breaking a sweat in no time. You can jump into singles or doubles matches with friends or meet new players in the virtual club.

Racket Club isn’t just among the VR exercise games – it’s a full-fledged sport designed specifically for virtual reality. The developers have nailed the physics, making every swing and hit feel incredibly realistic. You’ll need at least 6.5 x 6.5 feet of space to play, but the optional mixed reality mode helps you make the most of your area without bumping into furniture.

Final Words

As hardware improves to be lighter and more comfortable, VR home fitness will only grow more immersive and versatile. May these innovative fun workout games continue motivating all walks of life towards better wellness.

Our minds and bodies deserve daily care – choose enjoyable routines and the best Roblox VR games that uplift your spirit in 2024. Whether just starting a program or an athlete, may virtual worlds remind us prevention leads to longevity.

We’ve tried to bring in the VR games for working out to this list and we hope we’ve successfully done that. You can keep visiting the 5thScape Blog as our experts will keep adding more such titles for you to enjoy on your virtual reality headsets.

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