Top 10 Best Skyrim VR (Virtual Reality) Mods You Must Play in 2024

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Whoever has played Skyrim has always explored some of the mods. The best Skyrim VR mods 2024 are more popular than the original game. With the Skyrim VR version, you can explore this mythical world in virtual reality as it is currently one of the best VR games on Steam and other stores. So, are there any essential Skyrim VR mods Nexus available for you to check out?

It’s been more than a few years since the official release of this game, there are numerous VR mods available for you to check out. The advanced Skyrim VR performance mods have some amazing elements and an immersive gameplay experience. If you love to get deep into the gameplay and live your life like a game character, you should try the stunning mods that we are going to share in this top Skyrim VR mods list.

We are pretty sure you will love the Skyrim VR MODs listed here.

The Best Skyrim VR Mods that You Must Try Out in 2024

There are quite a few tutorials, VR game download sites, YouTube videos and help sections online that teaches how to install Skyrim VR mods pack. You can always ask for help online through community forums, Nexus’s official website, or even from friends who are playing Skyrim VR magic mods.

Once you’ve understood how to download Skyrim VR mods, you are good to go with the titles listed here. No matter you are searching for Skyrim VR PS4 mods, for PC or any other platform, we’ve included mods that works with a majority of the devices.

1. Realistic Mining for VR

Realistic Mining for VR

This is the Realistic Mining Mod for Skyrim VR, which puts you in the first-person perspective. Unlike other single player VR games, you are placed in the third-person perspective while mining, which breaks the VR mode. With this mod installed, you can now mine like you do in the first-person perspective. If realism in VR tasks like mining is important to you, this mod is definitely worth trying.

With this one, you really feel like you’re out there swinging a pickaxe. You have to physically strike each ore node three times to mine it, emulate swinging a real tool. It adds a much needed sense of physicality. The pickaxe strike sounds on every hit are also a nice touch of immersion. It took an activity that felt shallow before and turned it into a true virtual experience.

What we think is really cool is it leaves the normal mining scripts intact, so it integrates smoothly. For those wanting a challenge, it makes the process harder which we found fun. And it’s really satisfying to see the chunks come loose after each of your swings lands. The mod author also has plans to bring the same concept to woodcutting too, which has big potential.

2. Flora Overhaul

Flora Overhaul

As Skyrim is set in the world of wilderness, there are a lot of dull locations. With the Flora Overhaul Mod, new trees, bushes, flower planets, and many other things are introduced. This Skyrim VR mod works in the snowy regions as well. With the increased snow coverage, snow density, and snowfall, you will feel like you are walking in the actual snowy world.

Walking through the forests is breathtaking now, with tall strapping trees reaching high into the sky. The deep foliage feels alive beneath your feet too. We also noticed heavier snow loads bending branches realistically. It adds a whole new sense of scale and wonder to explore. Performance can take a small hit but nothing too bad. Tweaks like lowering shadows help a lot too.

Overall this mod is well worth it. The level of beautiful realistic detail impresses us every time. For anyone wanting a next-level natural environment overhaul, Flora is a must. It helps you really feel like you’re inhabiting the wilds of Skyrim, not just looking at them. We’ll be keeping this one permanent in our load order from now on.

3. Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Skyrim is a little dull game and everyone admits that. The hardware limitations on the VR consoles and headsets have made it more boring. Fortunately, the Realistic Lighting Overhaul mod is quite helpful in improving the visibility of the environment. This mod completely changes the lighting situation in the game, and you can view everything without much brightness.

The realistic lighting of the candles is quite impressive, as it fills the light in the rooms simulating the real-life situation or location. This mod is quite graphic intensive, hence you might need a high-end console or the gaming rig to run it properly. If atmosphere and realism in VR are priorities, Realistic Lighting Overhaul sets a new standard.

Places stay convincing whether at dusk or dawn. It adds hundreds of new light sources like torches and candles that bounce shadows beautifully off nearby objects. We can’t recommend it enough for deepening that magic of exploring Tamriel’s amazing environments. It helps make each moment feel like a true adventure.



HIGGS or Hand Interaction and Gravity Gloves for Skyrim is the Gravity mod, which allows the players to grab a wide range of in-game objects into their hands. You can use this mod to move around and grab objects in one hand while the weapon is in the other hand. This mod feels realistic while in the VR mode, as it helps you to drag the bodies.

You can also pick up any object to move it to another location and do many other things with ease. So, if you like Roblox VR games, then you will definitely love this Skyrim MOD as it features very similar gameplay to some of those. This is a relatively new mod, so there might be some bugs, which are expected to be resolved in the upcoming updates.

Picking up and throwing objects also behaves realistically now thanks to how it positions hands. We’ve had fun distracting enemies by tossing things at them! It’s also neat pulling items toward ourselves like with gravity gloves. There’s also tons of customization if you want to tweak specific mechanics. If full-body immersion is what you’re after in VR, HIGGS helps Skyrim feel much more alive and interactive.

5. Realm of Lorkhan – Freeform Alternate Start

Realm of Lorkhan - Freeform Alternate Start

Realm of Lorkhan – Freeform Alternate Start is a must-have Mod if you don’t want to spend 10 minutes in the iconic cart scene. It is quite important to have this mod, as it helps you start the game with a new perspective. As the name suggests, it provides you with an alternate start, which is quite important for shaping the storyline differently.

Also, your main character starts with new items and perks along with some debuffs if you want them. It’s not a necessary mod but can be a bit helpful if you are tired of playing it with the iconic cutscene. We can pick from many different standing stones and even become vampires too! It’s so cool being able to wander and really think about our character build.

Once we’re ready, we just travel through one of the 20 glowing stones scattered around to start our adventure. It transports us to cities, dungeons, camps and more. We’ve had some great early adventures this way. If having total freedom and choices at the start of your journey sounds appealing, we highly recommend Realm of Lorkhan.

6. Realistic Water Two

Realistic Water Two

The water in this game is detailed, but taking it to another level won’t hamper your gameplay experience. With the Realistic Water Two mod for Skyrim VR, you can change the texture and graphics of the water sources in this game to get a realistic feel. When you are walking through the maps in this Skyrim VR texture mods, you get high-quality water graphics to enjoy.

Be it the puddles in the path, rivers, or the waterfalls, everything is enhanced to perfection. Please be sure that your gaming rig, console or CPU for VR gaming has enough processing power to get these water effects rendered as they are graphically demanding. Instead of all water looking and acting the same, now lakes, ponds, rivers and oceans all have unique colors and movement.

Small pools no longer flow everywhere like fast rivers, which looks way more realistic. We also noticed coastal waves crashing on shores and improved water textures. Everything looks amazingly clear and clean now. Best of all is the new ambient sounds added. Hearing water pouring over new waterfalls or waves on the shore really helps pull you deeper into the game world.

7. Weapon Throw VR

Weapon Throw VR

Throwing Weapons at enemies is not allowed in the game. But it’d be a good addition to this game and Weapon Throw VR comes with the same feature. You can take the melee weapons and throw them directly towards the enemies. You can even decapitate the enemies in a stealth fashion with this Skyrim VR combat mods. It’s a completely optional VR mod but it’d add some spark to your gameplay experience.

You can throw swords, axes, maces, daggers, shields, torches and more. Whatever weapons mods add too. It feels so cool gripping them and hurling them at foes with the flick of your wrist. Even better, you can sometimes get the weapons back after with the auto-return feature! This is awesome because it means you don’t need to keep picking up new ones.

With over a dozen customization options, you can tweak things like targeting, throwing speed and more. We love how some weapons even ricochet off things. Effects like spinning in the air and impact force make throws feel punchy too. It all comes together for the most immersive combat throwing has ever been in a game. For anyone who loves the flexibility VR provides, this is a must-have Skyrim VR mod in 2024.

8. Immersive Patrols

Immersive Patrols

The universe of Skyrim is quite huge just like the open world VR games and that’s why you might feel alone while roaming around. With the Immersive Patrols VR mod for Skyrim game, you can get dynamic NPCs roaming around the world. This is quite useful if you are tired of roaming the empty world while completing the missions.

It can get boring pretty quick and this mod dynamically assigns the NPC to roam around in the world and give you company. We’ve been spending a lot of time in the magical world of Skyrim through our VR headset lately. This mod places roaming patrols from factions like Stormcloaks, Imperials, Thalmor and Dawnguard out in the wilderness.

We were amazed by how alive the game world feels coming across these troops on the road. It really puts you right in the middle of the ongoing war happening all around Skyrim. Even better, the patrols will sometimes run into each other, starting really cool spontaneous battles. You can even get dragged into fights if you’re allied with the wrong side!

9. Smilodon


The melee attack system is quite weak in this game and that’s why you need Smilodon Skyrim VR graphics mods. This is one of the most important mods that you can install in your game to make it more realistic and fun to play. With the addition of new attack animations, stances, and improved enemy AI, you will be able to enjoy the game with the ultimate thrill.

The biggest improvement this mod brings to the table is the Meloo combat system, which is reinvented and gives you more freedom to attack enemies. Developed as a spin-off of the popular Wildcat mod, Smilodon improves upon vanilla combat in many meaningful ways without drastically overhauling the original fighting mechanics.

Some key things it focuses on are enhanced combat AI for enemies, attacks of opportunity when their guard is down, and timed blocking that makes parrying feel more purposeful. But perhaps what we like most is how it speeds up the pacing of battles by increasing damage dealt and taken. With Smilodon installed, a fight won’t drag on forever and staying alive requires quick reactions.

10. Amazing Follower Tweaks

Amazing Follower Tweaks

One of the best Skyrim VR mods that any player should get is the “Amazing Follower Tweaks”. We all want total control over our followers and this mod does exactly that. It allows us to have up to 5 followers with us. Imagine exploring the vast lands of Skyrim with 5 of your best friends by your side, protecting you from harm!

Not only does this mod increase the follower count, it also allows us to control various aspects of our followers like their outfit, combat style, spells, and much more. We can even level them up and make them into powerful vampires or werewolves. How amazing would it be to fight alongside a werewolf follower during full moon nights?

One of the best features of this mod is the ability to control our followers remotely during combat. With a simple command, we can direct our followers to attack or defend a specific enemy. This comes very handy during tough boss battles. It also adds fun features for roleplaying, like making followers pose or dance around the campfire.

Final Words

Skyrim is loved by more than a few million players worldwide. Virtual Reality makes it even more enjoyable, as you can dive into the medieval virtual world. With these special Skyrim VR mods, you can truly enhance the vanilla gameplay experience and take it to the next level. Some of these must have mods for Skyrim VR are essential not only for the VR version of the game but also for the non-VR version of the game.

While the possibilities are less, sometimes you might face Skyrim VR mods not working problem, don’t worry our experts are here. Whether you want to ask are there mods for Skyrim VR of a particular category, genre, or need help with the installation, you can ask us. If you loved these best mods for the Skyrim VR, feel free to appreciate 5thScape Blog in the comments below.

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